The True Impact of Cardio on Your Muscle Gains

Cardiovascular training, commonly referred to as cardio, is an integral component of many people’s workout routines, particularly for those aiming to lose weight or improve their cardiovascular health. However, the discussion about its impact on muscle gains has raised numerous questions. In this article, we will delve into how cardio can affect your hypertrophy goals, debunking old beliefs and offering a current perspective on the subject.

The Cardio Myth

For a long time, based on earlier studies, it was believed that cardio training hindered muscle development. The notion was that the more advanced the athlete, the more cardio interfered with their muscle gains. This idea stemmed from the understanding that the body, when engaged in energy-consuming activities like cardio, could become less efficient at building muscle since both processes require significant energy resources.

The Relationship Between Cardio and Energy Consumption

The human body is an energy-saving machine. It’s programmed to conserve energy, not expend it. Thus, any activity that significantly increases energy consumption, such as cardiovascular exercises, can initially be seen as an obstacle to muscle growth. This is because muscle, being a tissue that consumes a lot of energy, is not a priority for an organism aiming to economize resources.

The Bright Side of Cardio

However, the view on the negative impact of cardio on muscle gains has been shifting. The cardiovascular benefits of aerobic training are undeniable, including improved oxygen absorption and utilization capacity (VO2 max). These benefits can actually complement strength training, optimizing recovery between sets and allowing for more intense and efficient hypertrophy workouts.

Optimizing Aerobic Capacity

Enhancing aerobic capacity through cardiovascular training allows the body to recover more quickly between strength training sets. This means you can have shorter rest intervals and be more prepared for the next set, potentially leading to more intense and productive hypertrophy sessions.

Energy Education for the Body

Furthermore, cardio helps to increase mitochondrial density, responsible for energy production in the body. This not only improves overall energy efficiency but also teaches the body to use fat as the primary energy source, sparing muscles from catabolism, especially during caloric restriction periods.

Finding the Ideal Balance

The key to reaping the benefits of cardio without compromising muscle gains lies in balance and moderation. The duration and intensity of cardio should be tailored to each individual’s specific goals, and its placement in the workout routine should be strategic to avoid excessive fatigue before strength exercises.

When and How Much Cardio to Do

  • Before or After? Performing cardio after strength workouts is preferable to not deplete the energy reserves needed for an intense muscle-building session.
  • Optimal Duration: Limiting cardio sessions to 20-40 minutes might be ideal to prevent muscle catabolism while still enjoying the cardiovascular and energy recovery benefits.


Far from being the nemesis of muscle gains, when planned and executed correctly, cardiovascular training can be a valuable ally in your workout routine. It not only promotes cardiovascular health and energy efficiency but can also optimize your recovery and enhance your strength training sessions. The secret lies in finding the right balance that aligns with your personal fitness goals.