How to follow the CORRECT diet to LOSE WEIGHT, LOSE FAT and DEFINE

When embarking on a weight loss journey, it is common for many people to seek quick and impressive results. In this drive for an immediate transformation, many make mistakes that can compromise not only their long-term results, but also their health. One of the most common mistakes, and perhaps the most damaging, is adopting a diet with extreme calorie restriction. This article sets out to discuss this frequent mistake, exploring its implications and proposing a more balanced and sustainable approach.


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The Extreme Calorie Restriction Trap

When starting a diet, many people choose to drastically cut their calorie intake. In theory, it seems logical: fewer calories consumed should quickly translate into weight loss. And indeed, many see immediate results. However, this strategy is unsustainable in the medium and long term and can be extremely harmful.

The human body is a complex, adaptive machine that reacts to sudden changes in calorie intake by slowing down its metabolism. This means that although initially there may be significant weight loss, over time the body adapts to operate with less energy, reducing the rate at which it burns calories. This defense mechanism can make weight loss increasingly difficult and, paradoxically, facilitate weight gain when the restrictive diet is abandoned.

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What’s more, this approach can lead to the dreaded “accordion effect”, a cycle of repeated weight loss and gain that is frustrating and demotivating. This is because, when returning to normal eating habits after a restrictive diet, the body, now with a slower metabolism, stores the extra calories more easily as fat, resulting in rapid weight gain.

A Sustainable Strategy

The key to effective and lasting weight loss lies not in extreme restriction, but in a balanced and sustainable approach. This starts with calculating individual calorie needs, taking into account factors such as age, gender, current weight, height and level of physical activity. Once the number of calories needed to maintain current weight has been established, a moderate calorie deficit can be created by gradually reducing calorie intake.

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This moderate deficit is enough to promote weight loss, but not so drastic as to trigger a negative metabolic response. Keeping the metabolism active and stable is key to sustainable weight loss. In addition, this approach allows for greater flexibility in the diet, which increases the chances of long-term adherence.

The Importance of Sustainability

In addition to a balanced approach to creating a calorie deficit, it is crucial to adopt habits that are sustainable in the long term. This includes making healthy food choices, but also allowing for flexibility and occasional indulgences, which can help avoid feelings of deprivation and giving up.

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Regular physical exercise complements the dietary strategy, not only helping to burn calories, but also to strengthen the body and improve general well-being. The combination of a balanced diet and physical activity is the cornerstone of healthy and sustainable weight loss.


Weight loss is a complex journey that requires understanding, patience and a commitment to sustainable change. Extreme calorie restriction can offer immediate results, but at a high cost to health and metabolic stability. A more balanced approach, which prioritizes a moderate calorie deficit and sustainable habits, not only facilitates weight loss but also helps maintain it in the long term. Ultimately, success in weight loss lies in moderation, patience and persistence, not in looking for quick or extreme solutions.