3 tips for breaking out of the PLATEAU EFFECT and building MUSCLE

As we progress on our fitness journey, we often come up against a common obstacle: stagnation in muscle growth. This phenomenon, known as the plateau effect, can be challenging, especially when we notice that certain muscles seem to develop more slowly than others. This imbalance can be most evident in individuals who, for example, achieve good chest development but struggle to see progress in their arms or vice versa.


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Understanding the Causes

The first step to overcoming this impasse is to understand its causes. Although genetics plays an undeniable role in muscle development, other factors also have a significant influence. One of these factors is muscle activation during exercise. Many of us have an “activation preference” where, without realizing it, we recruit one muscle group more to the detriment of another during certain exercises. This can lead to imbalances in muscle development over time.

Overcoming Strategies

To combat the plateau effect and promote balanced muscle development, I present three proven strategies that I apply successfully both in my own training and that of my students.

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1. Awareness in Training

The basis of any significant progress is awareness during training. This means focusing intensely on the muscle you are trying to work, ensuring that the stimulus is being directed correctly. This practice of “mind-muscle connection” is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of each repetition and exercise.

2. Power Day

Identify the day when you feel most rested and energized – usually after a full day’s rest. This is your “Power Day”, the ideal time to train those muscles that need the most attention. The logic behind this strategy is simple: when you are most rested, your potential to perform an intense workout is maximized, which translates into greater gains.

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3. Muscle prioritization

Consider the order in which you train your muscles. Science indicates that the muscles worked at the beginning of your workout receive a greater stimulus, which leads to more pronounced development. Therefore, change the sequence of your exercises to prioritize the muscle groups you want to develop more.

Practical Implementation

Implementing these strategies requires a methodical approach and a willingness to adjust and experiment with your training plan. For example, if your arms are developing slowly compared to your chest, consider starting your workouts with exercises focused on biceps and triceps on your Power Day.

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In addition, it is crucial to recognize the importance of factors such as nutrition, rest and recovery in the hypertrophy process. Adequate protein and nutrient intake, along with restful sleep, are key to ensuring that your body has the resources it needs to build and repair muscle tissue.


Overcoming stagnant muscle growth is a challenge that requires a holistic approach, involving adjustments to training as well as recovery and nutrition. By adopting the strategies mentioned, you will be well equipped to stimulate the development of muscles that seemed resistant to growth, leading to a more balanced and proportionate physique. Remember: patience and persistence are your greatest allies on this journey.